Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Perfect Day In Texas, La Grange to Navasota, TX

72 miles, 2800' of elevation, 70 degrees
  This was the kind of ride every cyclist dreams of. Picture perfect weather, along beautiful roads with an explosion of Blue Bonnet wildflowers. None of us rushed this ride as we didn't want it to really end and speed was of no concern.
  The roads the last two days have been excellent and a far cry from the chip seal that threatens rider and bike. It was a day to look around and as I rode all of today on my own, I enjoyed the quiet and it brought me back to why I love to ride my bike. Locals start conversations with me and give me some of the local color and I in turn tell them a little about myself and where I am from and what I am doing. Walmarts all look the same but very little else does.
  We helped one of our group celebrate her 50th birthday with chef Linda outdoing herself 
  Tomorrow is a much needed rest day in a quiet little town.


  1. You sound so relaxed and peaceful - maybe not being on chip seal helps unclench the jaws? I am SO glad you are enjoying the byways.
