Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting ready

Hi all,
We are about 6 weeks out from the start of the Woman Tours cross country ride. So far we are 14 participants with two paid staff.
The ride starts on March 4th in San Diego and ends in St. Augustine on April 28th. I fly to the ride start on March 1st so that I will have a couple of days to assemble my bike and get my mind and stuff together. After so many bike tours all over the US and Europe, I have come to the decision that arriving a few days early is really helpful. Rather than fly with my full size hard case, I opened a FedEx Ground account and will ship my Serotta right to the hotel saving me the concern of how TSA will handle the bike. It actually costs less than half of what Southwest would have charged me.
Never having attempted such a long ride, there is always some concern but I continue to ride outside whenever the weather permits. Do work out in the gym and go to spin classes at least 3 times a week but until the event starts, you always have doubts.
Contacting me from March 1st to April 29th is best done by either email: or cell phone: 303-859-2830.
For more info on the route and dates, you can go to:

More after March 1st.