Saturday, March 19, 2011

Profiles can be deceiving

90 miles, 1800' of elevation and 82 degrees
  We all look at our Adventure Cycling map and the day looks like an easy 90 miles and indeed it started out that way with a 9 mile descent from our lodging in Kingston. We then had a gentle climb and then a gentle descent with a following wind.We made it to our first sag stop, 26 miles into the ride, within 90 minutes and all seemed well.
  Unfortunately, the wind had a different idea and it came up and shifted so we had a head wind for the rest of the ride. We were humbled. When you cross flat areas, wind is always a concern. Since it was a hot wind, we were all drinking water like crazy and most of us became separated. By the time I arrived at the hotel, I was down to my last sip and several people ran out of water and others shared. When you are in desert country, these water concerns happen.
  On the positive side, the scenery was beautiful in the first 35 miles with the New Mexico mountains and dams along the way.
  I ride with a Camelbak that holds 100 ounces and a water bottle as back up. You really drink a lot of water out here and I never thought I would run out in less than 40 miles. So much for assumptions. It will take me the rest of the evening of drinking water to catch up. Will be ready for tomorrow.


  1. I have been hiking the Grand Canyon, so have been away from the blog a few days. I loved the Black Range Lodge -- it was one of our most memorable stops (the good memorable, that is -- Salome was another story). It was so cold my hands were nearly frozen on my brakes coming down from Emory Pass. You'll be in Texas soon. It will be a long time between margarita parties.

  2. The desert wind can suck the moisture right out of you, can't it? I think I just decided what size camelback to buy. I am glad you are enjoying NM so much, it is one of my favorite places.
