Friday, March 4, 2011

First day

The weather could not have been better for our first day. Started at 60 degrees and finished in the 70's. 35 miles down with 2,000' of elevation gain. Yeah tan lines!
I rode with a group of about 6 other participants and we managed to ride the day without any wrong turns. I think part of the key was to go at a slow pace that allows you to keep on eye out for traffic, read the cue sheets and enjoy the scenery.
We started the day having a wonderful Woman Tour breakfast at the hotel parking lot. Chef Linda put out quite a healthy spread of granola, yogurt, fruit, oatmeal, etc. More than enough to keep us going for the entire ride. Snacks, P&J, fruit are also available to make a lunch for yourself. The sag met us half way with additional snacks and fruit as well as water and gatorade to replenish if necessary. They really take good care of us!
No doubt we are all happy to have the first day of riding under our belt and all rode safely. 58 more days.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfect first day - I am glad you are enjoying so much.
