Thursday, March 10, 2011

Flat and Hot

56 miles, 1100' of elevation and 86 degrees.
We rolled into Wickenburg by 1:30 not because there weren't interesting coffee shops and such we could have seen but because it is actually hot and we wanted to basically do two short stops and get in early. Best decision we could have made as the temps started in the 50's and rolled right straight through to the 80's before we were done.

The Arizona desert certainly has quite a lot to see and appreciate but at our pace, it can become repetitive. We were, however, a group of 4 and the conversation kept us going. The winds were more head winds today than not but they did not become a major factor. The road surface varied a bit making riding in the driving lane very tempting but not as safe as the shoulder.We varied it at times to ride a little smoother when we had a good line of sight.

Tomorrow is my birthday!


  1. Sounds like a good plan for beating the heat - and having some down time to do what you will.I am envying the companionship as you ride - that must make things a lot more fun.

  2. PS - I hope your birthday is SPECTACULAR!! in every way.
