48 miles, 2700' of elevation gain, temp range of 32 to 81 degrees with a light following wind all day.
Michelle replaced my broke cable and my Serotta was back to riding like a dream today. Yes another beautiful day. It was cold to start with but just a few miles down the road, we climbed and warmed up. Lots of pull outs along the ride making stopping to hard to resist. Hey its a tour.
We did encounter a "road closed sign" on route and did what any cycle tourer would do, we stopped a local driver and asked about whether bikes could get through. Once he said "no" and there was fresh oil we turned back and took the 101. We did shorten the ride but the real disappointment was missing a local cafe landmark, the Otis Cafe.
Lighthouses, coves, inlet streams, bridges were all part of today's experiences and a pod of whales.
Rolled into Newport and we have a beachfront hotel, the Hallmark Resort. Each room has an Oceanside view with deck, full living room and kitchen and LAUNDRY. Today is a rest day and we are sitting having morning coffee with the sliding door opened listening to waves and the songs of whales.
I think now I have to add the Pacific Coast tour to my wishlist.