49 miles, 1100' of elevation gain, temp range of 45 to 77 degrees in glorious sunshine all day long.
Someone is really watching out for us. Blue skies with light winds in the beginning of the ride with a strong tail wind for the second half. We went on the coastal bike path right out of the hotel. 5 miles of a brand new path which ran along the beach with views of the Pacific as far as you can see.
Some of the group was anxious of the Astoria Bridge which spans the mighty Columbia for 5 miles as it can have horrible weather but not today. It was a spectacular day for the bridge part of the ride with relatively light traffic.
The rest of the ride had a tail wind with glimpses of the ocean and no fog. It was a great day for saving our legs and the three of us riding together stopped at Seaside and found a delightful coffee shop with pumpkin bread. We still managed to roll in by noon. What a cute town Cannon Beach is with wonderful accommodations along the ocean. Kitchen, deck and free laundry. What more could a cyclists ask for?
You couldn't have designed a better day for cycling if you had done it yourself. Sounds SO fun!