Saturday, April 2, 2011

Second Half, Kerrville to Blanco

65 miles, 2800' of elevation, 78 degrees
  This marked the beginning of the second half of the tour with yet another beautiful day in the Texas Hill Country. The wildflowers are not out yet but the lush greenery added with the hills made for a beautiful ride. The heavy overcast skies kept the temps way down. Yesterday, the temps hit 95 degrees but since we had an off day, no one had to ride. As a matter of fact, many of the bikes went into the shop two days ago to have them cleaned, lubed and adjusted. Fortunately, I do all of that myself so I was not involved with the shop.
  Started out of Kerrville on relatively good roads and soon we were out of the city environs and into country. The chip seal was there to greet us but their were only a few really bad places that you had to slow and be careful with. Nevertheless, the Hill Country draws a lot of cyclist including self contained cyclists who are always fun to talk to. I am finding it tough enough to do the cross country ride with my titanium Serotta that weighs only 15lbs. Can't imagine what it would be like to be fully loaded.
  I see St Augustine in the distance.

1 comment:

  1. Starting to smell the ocean, huh? The greening of the landscape must be a nice change. I admire your bike maintenance abilities - my bike shop guy is going to teach me how. I want to know HOW to do it, but I don't necessarily want to DO it. I am glad you were off on the 95 degree scorcher, that can't be fun.
