Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One More Day, High Springs to Palatka, Florida

74 miles, flat, 93 degrees and humid (again)
  We are all so ready to have the last of these not so short rides over with. The day started great with a Linda breakfast of eggs and cut oatmeal with all the toppings. We are all getting so excited to be so close to the end of a long 8 weeks of bike riding. However, we all need to keep it safe and keep drinking volumes of water to get in OK.
  The ride started easy enough at 7 am as it was still cool and we had plenty of shade and a slight tail wind. All that changed, however, at the first sag stop as it got hotter, more humid and a head wind. Rode on my own today to go my pace with short stops. Unfortunately, the second half of the ride had US 100 totally torn up from road construction and very often had no usable shoulder so we competed with the cars which is about the last thing any of us wanted to do. Lots of logging trucks on route 100 one of which did a spectacular roll over on a curve spilling all of the logs. It happened well ahead of us, so we were able to enjoy seeing the aftermath without being involved with the accident. Logging trucks aren't particularly polite to cyclists so I had not sympathy for the rolled truck.
  I have my own room tonight so look forward to reading and relaxing and catching up on my sleep a little. We are having a PJ party in someone's room tonight to celebrate. Several of the group have significant others flying in today to greet them tomorrow at the official end of the tour wheel dipping ceremony so we thought tonight might be fun to do with just us.

1 comment:

  1. That will be one terrific pajama party - you have all done a terrific job and should be VERY proud of yourselves.
